In many forums or informal discussions among groups of university students or translators teams, the question of which language qualification is needed to work as a professional translator. In this article, I would like to discuss how some most popular qualifications support the career.

  1. Specialized language university degrees

Many professional translators start their career after obtaining this degree as all know it evidently provides certain advantage over other university degrees as the bearers get training in 3-4 years at school about languages and practice skills essential for the job such as reading, writing. However, there is one disadvantage of such degree in the labor market, which only the ones who have it know – that is they seem to know everything, any domain, subject, but in the end – they know nothing deep enough to work at one, especially in translation – what you translate is the content of a specific domain and subject, and you need to be good at not only language skills but the content itself.

Nevertheless, as everything in this world – :), this coin has two facets: Many excellent translators can work without specialized language degree; while many language degree bearers do not have good enough command of language to work as a translator. So how those excellent translators can translate well without a language degree? The answer is below.

2. University degrees in other specializations

Those degrees can be in engineering, medical, business, finance, IT, specializations. They have background of the content they are translating, then good English language level, at first of thei domain or content in their specilization. Then, as all other translators, you have to non-stop self-study and upgrade your porforlios of fields, domains besides their own field written in their first degree. 

Also, to prove their language capacity to win the very first translation projects, many people participate some English tests to have their evidence. Let’s look at some international and pretigious tests in the next sub-content to know more about them.

3. International certificates: IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, for English OR EQF (European Qualification Frameworks) for many languages

Those are the most popular language tests all over the world, which many people working in international organizations or companies search for. So without a language major degree, you still can have ways to succeed in being a translator.

Without any? You can not have best background of education for this job, but it certainly can not prevent you from being a successfull translator. Learning is an equal opportunity that everyone can choose to do for themselves. Wish you have best luck in your dream!

And if you have your own success story, please do not hesitate to share with me and everyone who is interested. I’m happy to listen and read. 


Categories: Translation Career

1 Comment

Who can be future successful freelancers? – Le Monde.Asia · 28 April 2019 at 20 h 24 min

[…] this. So it is not necessary to discuss more in here. But there are some misunderstandings in the qualification of working as a freelance translator that I would like to share with you in the next article. If you are interested, please stay tuned […]

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